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    Nina Jane Patel

    Driven by the values of innovation, agency, and empowerment,

    I strive to pioneer positive change in the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies.



    As seen on:

  • "Nina is so knowledgeable, and whenever we have contact I always come away feeling inspired and having learned something important."


    Claire Dan

    Director of Safeguarding BSA Group and Director, SACPA


    "Nina's passion to ending online harm and empowering young people is visible in the way she shares stories and experiences. She effortlessly connects technical ideas with personal
    stories, again demonstrating her strength in persuasive communication."


    Isha Bhatnagar

    Senior Research Officer, Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice

    "Nina’s insights into the VR/AR/Metaverse was well presented and helped demystify the topic for the audience. The resulting Q&A was engaging, and the feedback received was very positive. I would highly recommend Nina as a speaker if you were looking to educate your employees or members on the topic."

    Ajanta Bhandari

    Vice-President Product Quality, Liberty Global (Cable + Telco Industry)

    "Nina gave a thoughtful and considered presentation on the metaverse, providing real life insights as to how it will develop for our industry. She opened our eyes to the importance of societal contribution to the discussions surrounding the metaverse and its use cases.


    Nina was an absolute pleasure to work with and prepared an engaging and expansive presentation. I would highly recommend her."

    Rose Cantillon

    Chief of Staff, Liberty Global

    "Nina’s skill at seeing and hearing people stand out as two remarkable qualities that are evident in her professional practice. Alongside this, Nina is an innovative thinker and offers a tech savvy and forward thinking mindset."

    Levar Polson

    NHS, CNWL Trust

    "I strongly believe that she is one of those very few people in the world who can not only share real life experiences but also speak about the subject with so much clarity. Her profound understanding of the complexities and innovative solutions were practical and easy to understand – even for a lay person. Her dedication towards this topic is phenomenal. I am so thankful for her exceptional contributions to this space and so glad she was able to join us."


    Shivangi Prasad

    Lawyer | Author | Founder - The Legal Swan

  • Order Now

    Purchase my digital book for an introduction to safeguarding our digital future, where every child thrives in the boundless possibilities of the Metaverse. Written for parents/caregivers and those who care about the rights and welfare of children today and in the new digital future.



    Navigating the Future: Child Safety in the Digital Age; explores the urgent need for updated digital safety measures in the Metaverse, a new virtual frontier rich with opportunities but also risks for children. The eBook highlights the insufficiency of traditional internet safety approaches for this immersive environment and advocates for advanced protocols that include comprehensive content moderation, privacy protections, and targeted educational programs. Emphasizing collaboration among all stakeholders, it offers a roadmap for creating a safer, empowering digital space for youth. This strategy not only safeguards children but also fosters their growth, digital literacy, and ethical engagement online, ensuring the Metaverse's vast potential is realized safely and inclusively.
    Coming soon
  • About me:

    I'm on a mission—a mission to pioneer the path through the ever-evolving realm of emerging technologies while fiercely advocating for the well-being of future generations. As a mother of four, I intimately understand the profound impact these technologies have on our mental and emotional health.


    Juggling multiple roles, I'm not just a dynamic force in the tech industry; I'm a relentless researcher delving into the psychological depths of immersion, presence, and embodiment in spatial computing/extended realities. Drawing from my background as a movement psychotherapist, I'm driven by the unwavering belief that technology should enrich our lives, not dimish our human experience.


    As an Emerging Technology Consultant for esteemed institutions such as National Online Safety, the Zero Abuse Project, and the University of East London, and manymore, I'm unwaveringly committed to weaving emerging technologies into the fabric of classrooms and homes responsibly. Through a dedication to evidence-based methods and best practices, I strive to ensure that our digital advancements align harmoniously with the well-being of society at large.


    But beyond professional titles, I'm a mother, a researcher, and an advocate deeply concerned about our collective future. That's why I'm tirelessly dedicated to shining a light on the societal and psychological implications of emerging tech like the metaverse, spatial computing, blockchain, web3 and AI. Together, let's forge a future where innovation and well-being walk hand in hand.

  • A commanding voice shaping the future.

    Transforming insights into action with unmatched expertise and inspirational leadership at the intersection of emerging technology, innovation, psychology, safety and research.

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    Empowering Organisations

    Consultation services empowering organizations by integrating advanced digital technologies, with a special emphasis on child rights, child safety and well-being. My approach involves understanding utilizing tools like VR, AR, AI, and blockchain to drive innovation while ensuring a responsible and safe integration prioritsing child development.

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    Empowering Schools

    A series of offerings committed to empowering schools by integrating emerging technologies in their curriculum, with a strong focus on safety and responsible usage. By incorporating VR, AR, and AI, I aim to enhance the learning experience, ensuring these tools are used effectively and safely for the betterment of student education and development.

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    Empowering Families

    My mission is to empower families by guiding them through the evolving landscape of digital technology. I offer workshops and consulations developing safe and mindful use of tools like VR, AR, and AI, helping families harness these advancements to enrich their lives while ensuring a secure and positive digital environment for all.

  • Media & Press

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    Policing the Metaverse

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    Virtual Reality Promised us a New World.

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    Can we create a moral metaverse?

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    Data Centre Live London - Keynote

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    Metaverse vs employment law: the reality of the virtual workplace

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    Why Is No One Taking Sexual Assault In The Metaverse Seriously?

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    Misogyny in the metaverse

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    In The Metaverse, Sexual Assault Is Very Real — So What Can We Do Legally?

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    Building an Equitable, Inclusive and Safe Metaverse

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